If you have questions, please begin by reading the Frequently Asked Questions. If the FAQ does not provide an answer please submit your questions through the HCA helpdesk at https://kyhmis.zendesk.com, and select "submit a request".

Please reference these three (3) items in your request:

  1. "APCR" or “QPCR” (as appropriate)
  2. Your specific funding source (HOME, ESG, COC, ERA, etc.)
  3. The number of the APCR or QPCR question for which you are seeking assistance

The "number of units/ persons served (projected) as indicated in grant agreement". Is this referring just to the current year, or the time since the grant became operational?
It is referring to the respective grant start date to the respective grant end date.
Definition of Current funding?
Current funding is described as funding received on or after the most recent July 1st date or funding that is still open as of this July 1st date. For example: For an APCR that is due Feb 1, 2022, the most recent July 1st date would be July 1, 2021. So any funding still open on or after this date, or received on or after this date is considered current funding.

The APCR ask if staff time charged to the project is documented properly, do we need to keep written records of staff time charged to the Admin portion of the grant?
Per federal grant guidelines you must have written source documentation to back up all administrative expenses. Please see regulation 2 CFR 200.
Will each program administrator/director need to complete their respective sections?
This will depend on your organizational structure. If you have several different personnel that are responsible for different programs then you may have several people that need to complete their respective sections.

Are agencies required to report rental units with HOME and/or AHTF funding on the APCR?
Projects with rental funding are not required to complete the Housing Contract Administration's (HCA's) Annual Program Compliance Report (APCR), however, rental projects are required to complete the Annual Project Report (APR), You should check with the Multifamily Asset Management Department at KHC regarding the requirements for reports for rental projects.
I have a YHDP grant, do I complete the APCR?
Currently, KHC is not requiring YHDP grant recipients to complete the APCR. Please continue to read eGrams as this may change in the future.
I received ESG-CV funding, do I need to complete the APCR?
Yes, KHC is requiring ESG-CV grant recipients to complete the APCR.

Who can sign the APCR Certification?
This depends on your agency's organizational structure. KHC wants a person that has authority to sign for the organization. Usually the executive director will have this authority, however, the board of directors may also authorize other individuals with this authority.