Kentucky Housing Corporation's Commitment

Kentucky Housing Corporation's values - respect, commitment, and integrity - are the foundation upon which we accomplish our mission.

Kentucky Housing Corporation recognizes the importance of protecting the organization, its operations, its employees and its assets against financial risks, operational breaches, and unethical activities.

Kentucky Housing Corporation's Fraud Policy covers all Kentucky Housing Corporation employees and officers. Additionally, this policy covers all Kentucky Housing Corporation vendors, customers, and partners to the extent that any Kentucky Housing Corporation resources are involved or impacted. All matters raised by any source will be taken seriously and properly investigated.

We welcome your input and support in helping to keep Kentucky Housing Corporation an ethical organization. We established this reporting process to provide a method to hear your concerns or reports of misconduct.

How to File a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

  • Select the "File a Report" button below, or
  • Call 855-204-2212 (toll-free) or 502-237-5216

After you complete your report you will be assigned a reference number. After 3-4 business days, you may use your reference number to check on your report for feedback or questions.